
Grilled Fish Seller

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Ibu Roshana lights the coals under her grill as the sun sets over the busy streets, preparing to roast her day’s catch. She and her husband, who are both devoted to the culinary arts of grilling and serving, stand side by side along the major roadway in small island of Bau Bau, Southeast Sulawesi. Amidst the aroma of charred goodness, customers flock to sample the array of fish, from the petite to the grand, each boasting its own flavor and texture. With prices ranging from IDR 10,000 (US$ 0.64) to IDR 70,000 IDR (US$ 4.50) per fish, they make a healthy margin of IDR 300,000 (US$ 19.35) daily. Every night from five o’clock till midnight, Ibu Roshana faithfully tends to her grill, continuing a custom she and her husband have maintained for twenty years in the same location. There was a constant flow of people in and out while we were there, ensuring their spot never fell quiet amidst the hustle and bustle of the main road.

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