
Plastic Recycling Entrepreneur

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As one can observe from the numerous residences situated along the riverbanks, the Banjarmasin residents lead a life intimately tied to the river. Natural disasters and disease epidemics are just two examples of the ways in which the contaminated river can harm locals. Because of this, Juraida is driven to sort through the trash in her neighborhood. She uses what she learns from others and what she finds online to transform plastic trash—like food wrappers—into useful products like carpets, purses, tissue holders, and bags. The majority of her neighbors purchase her products, and they often aren’t aware that Juraida’s crafts are made from recycled plastic. Not content to rest on her success, she continues by calling on the locals to join forces in a mindful plastic trash society and find practical uses for the materials. Now that there is monetary value, Juraida is even more motivated to clean up the environment. To this day, Amartha has funded Juraida’s endeavors to boost production for the benefit of the local community.

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