Evi Susanti

Pottery Maker

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Ibu Evi Susanti is a pottery entrepreneur from Klaten, Central Java, who started her business during the early stages of the pandemic. The pottery business she runs with her husband has now expanded to the international market (France). To date, Ibu Evi and her husband have nine employees from the local community to work on pottery, particularly flower vases. Ibu Evi’s workshop is located beside her home in a semi-outdoor setting. When we visited, the production process was underway, with hundreds of vases neatly arranged and ready to be painted and polished. As the business grows, Ibu Evi has rented her neighbor’s house to use as additional production space. Ibu Evi’s intention to help the local community has driven her to provide job opportunities. The main challenges faced by micro-entrepreneurs like Ibu Evi are increasing production capacity and understanding the market. She lacks knowledge of other customers to expand her product marketing further. Limited production capacity is also a factor hindering the expansion of Ibu Evi’s business.

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