
Fruit Stand Owner

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This is a 20-meter-long stretch of semi-permanent stand belonging to Amartha Partner Asmawarni, who sells a variety of fruits on the street side of the trans-Sumatra. This fruit business has been run by Asmawarni since 1991, and she has persevered through many challenges to keep it going and even grow it. True to form, Asmawarni began her fruit stand without running water or power when she first opened her doors. After much struggle, she was able to secure funds from Amartha, which she used to upgrade the kiosk, add power, and sell more fruit varieties. As a result of her relentless persistence, Asmawarni’s business has been steadily expanding, and she now earns between IDR 400,000 (US$ 26) and IDR 1.5 million (US$ 97) daily, more than doubled compared to where she started. As a result, Asmawarni is able to pay for both of her children’s educations until they finish college degrees.

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