

Ibu Roshana lights the coals under her grill as the sun sets over the busy streets, preparing to roast her day’s catch. She and her husband, who are both devoted to the culinary arts of grilling and serving, stand side by side along the major roadway in small island of Bau Bau, Southeast Sulawesi. Amidst […]

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A courageous seaweed farmer named Ibu Mariani lives in the seaside town of Bau-Bau. She set out on her adventure only two years ago. She carefully tends to her cherished crop—the dried purple seaweed—a beautiful sight and a source of food as the tides rise and fall. A modest house with a corrugated iron roof

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In the beautiful Southeast Sulawesi island of Pulau Makassar, we met Ibu Lea, who hunts sea urchins. With eager anticipation, we trailed alongside her as she embarked on her hunt along the shores that stretched before her humble abode. Guided by the rhythm of the tides, locally known as “meti,” we set out at the

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In the heart of the enchanting lands of Bau-Bau lies the cherished ritual of “kande-kande,” a feast where community and culture converge. This tradition requires an important utensil: food covers decorated with bright colors with a diameter of approximately 50 cm. At the center of this tradition stands Ibu Vivi, a guardian of heritage and

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Evi Susanti

Ibu Evi Susanti is a pottery entrepreneur from Klaten, Central Java, who started her business during the early stages of the pandemic. The pottery business she runs with her husband has now expanded to the international market (France). To date, Ibu Evi and her husband have nine employees from the local community to work on

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The wooden duck crafts made by Ibu Siska have found an international market in countries like Switzerland and Germany. The business, which she co-founded with her husband in 2002, has expanded from local sales to worldwide ones since then. Raw materials covers the entire floor of Ibu Siska and her husband’s workshop, which is situated

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Suwati’s distinctive voice broke the silence of a narrow alley on the outskirts of Banjarmasin, as she pushed along her cart full of a variety of “jamu” herbal drinks. Suwarti is known by the locals as “ibu Jamu” or the Jamu lady. She starts to push her jamu cart hawking around her neighborhood every 4pm.

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As one can observe from the numerous residences situated along the riverbanks, the Banjarmasin residents lead a life intimately tied to the river. Natural disasters and disease epidemics are just two examples of the ways in which the contaminated river can harm locals. Because of this, Juraida is driven to sort through the trash in

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he process of creating Sasirangan fabric in the South Kalimantan region of Banjarmasin demonstrates social solidarity and cultural connection to their ancestors. Sasirangan is a traditional fabric fused by Banjar ethnic group in South Kalimantan. It represents the richness of the culture, with patterns and colors made by hand-knitting and traditional coloring that represents the

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Andin is the woman who turned thousands of scrapped rubber tires into artisan garbage bins. Together with her husband, she splits the labor. She is taking care of the art painting as part of the finishing touch, as well as the preparation stage of cleaning and preparing the materials. Her husband is the one who

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